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Showing posts from September, 2022

Hurricane Watch

 I must inform the canine community that I may be out of the yard for a while. There is a storm coming and it doesn't look nice at all. After it is over we will continue our investigations into the sticks, we have a new review for you and we'll discuss more on these humans who think themselves superior to us. Until then, Howl one for me!

Thank You Blue!

 I am giving a special Thank You to the maker of my favorite food and snacks...of course, they are most likely human, but I still must maintain a professional canine attitude and the best dog-gone respect I can wag up. Thank You blue for responding to my tweet concerning your treats, you made me happy. I was so happy I ran laps around the yard. Again, Thank You, Canine Special Research,  Fenway

Fenway Reviews Blue Buffalo Duck flavor

 Greetings Humans, It's been a long week already, the rain, the research, and the squirrel chasing take a lot of effort.  The good news is, that I'm going to be reviewing some of the treats I eat. My humans allow me to select the one I want by showing them to me and I take the one most appealing. Here is one of my favorites:   Great Flavor, Nice Crunch, and for a dog my size, makes me feel like I actually got something. Crunchy Meter it's about 6.5 Tasty Meter it's 9, close 10. Often meter, zero - these humans should feed me treats and only treats, especially this one.